Silky Oak Zen

滑 楢 

Meditation on the Central Coast, NSW, Australia. 



A direct understanding beyond scriptures and traditions,

Not dependent upon words and symbols.

Pointing directly to the mind,

Seeing its nature and awakening. 

        Zen Practice

We offer our Zen practice in the context of Western culture, as well as incorporating traditional Eastern forms and teachings. Our practice is derived from the Soto and Rinzai schools of Zen, but we also adopt specific Buddhist teachings and other related sources to bring about effective relief of suffering, and continued inner peace. 

Our practice is based on the understanding that the core tenets and practices of Zen Buddhism are universal and not reliant on any specific national, ethnic or cultural practices. We recognise and honour all Zen lineages and traditions, and incorporate from them the styles, forms and practices that complement each other and truly epitomise the heart of Zen.


We also promote a healthy and holistic world view, by applying the universal laws of cause and effect. Zen involves letting go of preconceptions, dualistic thinking, religious abstractions, and symbolic delusions. Our primary practices at Silky Oak Zen, include zazen (silent, seated meditation), mindfulness (fully responsive awareness) and personal development, that incorporate spirituality into everyday life.

Please click here for our weekly schedule.


Central Coast Meditation

Central Coast Meditation

The Silky Oak 

(Grevilea robusta)

The grandest of its kind and widely adaptable. Its both drought and frost tolerant. It survives in difficult soils, erratic weather patterns and recovers well after storms. Despite all of these challenges, its nutrients are rich, produces abundant flora and naturally inter-connects with its surroundings. This is our metaphor for Zen Practice.


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